Conscious conception and contraception. Fertility Awareness is the beautiful process of recognizing your body’s fertility signs supporting a deeper connection with your reproductive cycle.
Through daily observation and charting of your cervical mucus and basal body temperature, patterns emerge, providing insights to your physical, emotional, and spiritual rhythms. With this understanding, comes the opportunity for conscious conception or contraception.
Many beautiful and unexpected things may unfold for you on this Path of exploration.
One-on-one consultations are available, as are monthly fertility groups. Upcoming Fertility Awareness introduction evening from 5:30 - 6:30pm: * TBD
These evenings are an overview of the tools used for fertility awareness so you can begin the practice. It takes three to six months of exploring this method to have confidence to use it as primary contraception.
For the final paper describing the compiled experiences of the women who participated in the Wild Carrot Study, please click here.
If you are interested in tracking your fertility online, consider Selene, a beautiful iPhone app.
Please contact Mischa at +(1) 207-274-3242 or [email protected] with questions or to register for a class.